Yesterday (and Friday), we had a massive melt and the plows made a real mess of my driveway. So I cleaned it up … and that was just in time for what came today.

Fuji F800EXR @4.6mm 100iso f/3.5 1/200
We do have a few rabbits in the neighborhood. Can’t grow crocus here any more

fuji f800exr @7.6mm 100iso f/3.9 1/100
And, done.
So today for lunch, Nick and I popped over to out favorite Pho place. Amid a massive snow squall. Yuck.
The Pho was amazing, as always.

fuji f800exr @4.6mm 400iso f/3.5 1/30 (jpeg)
While we were eating, the sun came out. Go figure … but the wind continued as it has been during the squall. So now we have fiercely blowing snow … I shot a couple through the restaurant window …
My nice clean driveway is clean no more. Lots of small drifts. And the other car is coated.
The wind has great reach. Under the canopy of the porch is no sweat …
It’s supposed to be sunny for a few days now. Maybe I’ll get a shot of Saturn, now that it rises before dawn …