For those who might recall my rant over Primus's Neanderthal business practices ...
Today, I got what I suspect is my final bill from Primus ... they thanked me for being a customer as they inserted the shiv between my third and fourth rib ...

So after insulting me so horribly by asking for prepayment of calls that were not yet billed ... I moved to Rogers, with whom I have a long standing relationship. Primus retaliated by adding $200 to my bill, clawing back some of the value of the 15,000 Aeroplan miles they had given me for joining.
Interestingly ... they delayed the giving of these miles ... half after 2 months, half after 4. One could reasonably assume that one had met the time obligation because of said delay, but apparently that's not Neanderthal logic :-)
*sigh* ....
So when you finally go all mobile, let's hope these guys are still going:
And yes, they take requests!
Hmmm ... I sure hope they can bring some sense to the Canadian wireless market ... most expensive in the world (I think) and that's just nuts ...
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