A shocking article from the CBC web site!
Ottawa Public Health says it will send letters to nearly 7,000 people who had procedures at a local medical facility to warn them they may have been exposed to Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV.
Stressing that he is not aware of any people who have become ill, Ottawa's medical officer of health Isra Levy said the letters are being sent so people can be made aware of the risk.
Ottawa Public Health said it has been investigating an unnamed non-hospital facility for the past several months because of "lapses in infection control."
Because OPH doesn't know exactly when the lapse started, the 6,800 patients who will be contacted by registered letter next week cover a 10-year period.
You have got to be fucking kidding me! Who in their right mind plays fast and lose with others’ lives as a matter of course? If anyone has been infected, I hope that people in the facility are jailed. The owners at the least.
Update on 17 Oct 2011: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/story/2011/10/17/ottawa-public-health-infection-letters.html?cmp=rss
Looks like a local clinic did lots of endoscopies without following appropriate procedures. The clinic is still open but is no longer performing these specific procedures. One wonders if there will be a real investigation and if there will be any real accountability? For example, knowingly putting people at risk us usually called criminal negligence if I am not mistaken …