Tuesday, May 29, 2012

HS25 – Random images and a bombing run …

The secretive SH drone flies at great heights. Choosing targets at random for its payload, it is able to drop them several times a day.

fuji hs25  125iso  f/5  1/240  -1ev

Kind of like being hit with a paint ball, only gross.

Note that the interplay of shadow and sun was problematic, seeing as how it crossed the bomb’s crater area. I dropped compensation to –1, which helped a lot. Pulled up the shadows in Lightroom 4.

SH stands for shit-hawk, by the way. This, to my knowledge, is an affectionate name given to the gulls that follow ships around, dining on their scraps.

The rather large Hansa Rose (a native North American rose species) in my back yard is starting to bloom fairly well. This is a somewhat prolific rose and can bloom a good part of the summer.

fuji hs25  100iso  f/5  1/300  -1ev

I happened to be in the front yard and heard this racket from down the street. This young fellow is cleaning up a mess on the pavement in front of a couple of houses that are getting new interlock put in. Cool ….

fuji hs25  100iso  f/8  1/400  -1ev