It is freeing to shoot JPEG all the time with the HS25. The camera shoots pretty quickly and I can store about 4000 images on my typical 16GB cards. Nice.
But how does the camera shoot indoors, or at long distances?
These were traditional weaknesses of the HS10, which I always felt needed a lot of work to overcome in RAW.
But not the HS25. It’s pretty darned good. Here is a shot of Nick right after I shaved his head for him. My boys and I have not paid for a haircut in well over two decades. I have always just cut all out hair.
FUJI HS25 1600iso f/5.6 1/55 -1/3ev
This shot looks pretty terrific for an indoor shot with a small window. The hair and eyebrows are crystal clear and the eyes look liquid as they should. I’m really pleased with what this camera can do in JPEG.
An hour or two later, I popped by to Nick’s double header to shoot his first baseball game of the evening. I’ll get to the continuous images of the batters in a later post (I shot over 600 images in an hour) but for now an image as he first took the field.
Fuji HS25 100iso f/5.6 1/550 -1/3ev
I cropped and processed this image in ACR7 and CS6 beta. The lens, at 687mm, is so long that it manages to throw the fence and building slightly out of focus, improving the subject isolation enough to give a sense of “bite”, which is another way to suggest tack-sharpness.
I’m *really* impressed by the HS25 at full zoom.