Sunday, July 29, 2012

Windows continues to command a huge lead with my readership …

IPower sends me stats on my site periodically showing clicks etc. Turns out that I am up over 100,000 pages views a month because I get almost 40,000 visits per month, each of which obviously clicks on several pictures per visit. And I serve up my images from my gallery on iPower. Highly recommended, by the way.


So anyway … you can see that Windows continues to maintain about 70% of the market, which is well down from the 96% hegemony they enjoyed a decade ago. But still very dominant. As we are entering the post-Jobs era, and as Linux never really made much noise as a desktop OS, I think these numbers have the potential to hold for a while yet.

But then the news on Windows 8 is not all that good. An awkward relationship between trhe desktop and Metro has the potential to finally destroy Microsoft’s hegemony in the desktop OS market. If Windows 8 is another Vista, and the timing is correct for that to be true, then Apple might enjoy a freebee …