This was my view of the main stage ... not bad, since I was looking straight down the catwalk with no heads in the way. But they were set up at the red line and I was past the second blue line ... say 130 feet away or more.

Not a bad view, but the show was far away. Not so when the band came up on the acoustic stage. The mic stand at which Dave Grohl spent most of the evening was just a stretch away from me ... so he was 5 feet or less from me throughout much of the set. What is cool about that is how good the images are. I got the ISO and lighting right for many of the images, and here are a few of them. (I have not processed many yet, but you can see more at my gallery here.)

When they left the acoustic stage, they left all the instruments blocking my vision. I had a crack to look through that was the width of the catwalk, but looking down a tunnel got old really fast. So I went upstairs and snuck into a spot on level 1. I was quickly booted so I went 1 entrance closer to the stage and went in again. Here, a nice gentleman told me they weren't usually allowed to let people watch form there but that it was ok because this was probably the last song. He was right ... but the played 3 more in the encore, which I watched as well. I shot some images from there, and I had a little fun looking for my kids. They were completely recognizable, despite being photographed in a fairly dark concert from 100 feet or more. Very cool. here's the amusing image I created to show this:

I really enjoyed Skin and Bones and my favourite song was Stacked Dead Actors. They must have gone 10 or more minutes on that one. Wicked concert.
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