Saturday, August 1, 2009

Crombie McNeill Workshop with Barrett Palmer Models Mk II - Part 5 - Nils and Betsy Again

Now that my hard drives are both happy, I got in the mood to experiment a bit with some of these images. I went back to the well -- that series behind the shed -- when I got so many excellent images with Nils and Betsy. That series is even better than I had thought, as I still have many excellent poses, even after this series.

Here, I decided that more images of the same type would probably not be worth processing. How many behind the shed images does one really need? So why not experiment a bit? A little Fresco here, some watercolor there, add some makeup, play with lighting. Anyway ... I did all of that tonight.

I started with a shot of Nils in front of the window. This one is reflecting that beautiful red barn across the street, so the window adds a dash of color.

That's a nice pose, but the image is a tad plain. So I spiced it with a water color / fresco treatment.

Not really sure about that ... but it looks kind of nice.

I then tried a shot of Betsy in front of the same window, but from further back. She struck one of those classic hip-toss "sexy" poses, so I thought this might stand on its own. I like it, but this sort of shot benefits a lot from an interaction, this seems to be missing something.

Anyway ... on with another shot of Betsy. This is a close shot that I really liked, but decided to try a little high fashion makeup.

I kind of like that result .. a little glow in the skin, slightly over the top eyes, and dark, dark lips. Pretty nice ...

Now for a couple of Nils with Betsy ... these two had some great interaction.

Again, some glow and makeup, and this time some lighting changes. A subtle spot on her face, spilling onto his helps guide the eye to their almost kiss. Nice ...

Similar shot here ... but more of a couple-hood pose ...

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