It strikes me that it might be kind of nice to keep a bit of a record of where he is going and what he is doing while over there. This blog is as good a place as any ... so I will try to update the blog with each leg.
He left London last Tuesday for Ancona, Italy by air. I'll show the entire route of Leeds to Ancona by car, so it gives a basic distance comparison as these legs build up.

He did not actually stay in Ancona, but rather in a villa on the side of a mountain overlooking a spectacular valley with a mountain range on the other side that goes on into the distance. A pretty classic view ... this villa was exactly what you see in movies, and they spent evenings drinking in the village. Yesterday, they summited the mountain (which is a mountain by exactly 2 feet :-) ... and drank a beer at the top.
Today, they came back down the mountain to Ancona and he boarded a train for Venice, which took five hours. He called me (on an actual phone) from Venice and we chatted about stuff ... nice to hear from him again after being incommunicado on the mountain.

He has to take a shuttle (he thinks probably a water shuttle) between his hostel and the city, so he plans to do the whole Venice tour over the next couple of days and then his friend Georgie will meet him for the next part of the tour. Slovenia, I think.
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