I stumbled on Vince while reading John Keatley's excellent blog on his portrait shoots and how he lights them. He is a master of adding light to create natural looking images that look incredible when shot at low ISO with medium format digital backs. Serious business with 10s of thousands in equipment. Well worth reading someone who can do that stuff ...
He shot Vince in Seattle for an article by James Ross Gardner called Vince Mira Won't Walk the Line. I believe the gist is that Vince will be giving up the Johnny Cash mimic business and working on his own music. He certainly sounds great and should be able to make a go of it. The blog entry for that is good reading. Here is an image from that blog entry, obviously copyright John Keatley ... and you can click through to his blog.

Here is a video of his visit with Ellen DeGeneres ... he sings Ring of Fire and you MUST hear this! He starts singing about 40% of the way in if you are impatient. And she gives him a Gibson Hummingbird right near the end if you go in for that sort of thing.
That is SO cool...I looooove Johnny Cash & got totally into him, his life story & his music 4 years ago. It's fascinating. This Vince guy is really good...I do think Joaquin Phoenix sang Johnny Cash better in the movie :-) That's a good guitar...there's a Gibson "something" (I forget what) in a wall case at St. John's music here, autographed by John Carter Cash, selling for 5 grand...
Wow, that guy sounds quite similar. Very cool.
Vince is a huge star in the making. What's not to love? His voice is incredible. He's passionate about singing and playing great songs...elvis, bob dylan, j. cash, many others, songs like rock island line, blistered, the story. His own songs are impressive. He has a lifetime successful career ahead of him. He's kind, sweet, humble, loving and respectful. His mom, dad and close knit family go to all his shows. I'm just grateful I can witness history in the making Tuesday nights at the can can, an intimate venue. One day he'll be playing large venues with big ticket prices. Hey vince, I still want to hear 16 tons! I like the platters version and tennesee ernie fords version best. All the best, Isis.
Isis ... I must say that you should count yourself very, very lucky to be able to see him so regularly. I would consider that quite the privilege.
Thanks kim,
I do! I'm driving an hour from oly now.
I want to add that all ages enjoy his music. The complete range of ages. He's into country, folk, rockabilly, and sings in spanish and english. he will just grow as a musician because he loves learning all types of music.
Btw, the guys who play backup are incredible too.
Also want to add that even though he's a gentle soul, he's a natural leader on stage.
I really dig his folk n blues originals espeacialy with the wild dogs backing him they really put on a great show!!!! everyone should listen to his new song don't leave me here to die by vince awesome song u 4get he's only 17yrs
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